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Nashville music city


City history

Nashville claims to have been a city of music from the very beginning. In 1779-1780, a settlement began in an area that would be called "Nashborough" after Revolutionary war hero General Francis Nash. Amongst the early settlers was Davy Crockett, who entertained with stories and the fiddle. In 1784, the name changed to Nashville, as the French "ville" replaced the British "borough," probably as a gesture of thanks to France for their help in the American Revolution. In the 1920s, the Grand Ole Opry had its first show, and the nickname "Music City" was born. At the close of the 20th century, Nashville witnessed the clean-up of many historic neighborhoods and a rebirth of downtown. odio et massa. Cras egestas elit porta odio facilisis eu malesuada quam laoreet. In et augue nec ligula vehicula rhoncus.

City culture

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